Draw Mohammad Day

Happy Draw Mohammad Day. This is the first post I have created related to any specific religion other than Christianity. Since it's Draw Mohammad Day, I thought I would take the time to say I think Islam is just as preposterous as Christianity and its influence in our world has become more harmful than Christianity.

I don't generally support being offensive, but Draw Mohammad Day is important because of the threat that hardline Islamists pose to free expression. If you think it is sinful or offensive to draw a picture of your prophet or deity, that's fine. Don't do it. You can teach your children that they shouldn't do it. You do not have the right to threaten harm to people who choose to depict your religious icons. Use this time to ask yourself why your deity is would be so offended by having someone draw a picture of him or of his prophet. The same goes for "taking the LORD's name in vain". That command was so important that it made the top ten, but not forcing sex on women and/or not forcing young girls into marriages to strange older men was not so important.

Here's my rendition of Mohammad. I'm a terrible artist.
