What's the Point of Prayer?

If Yahweh is omniscient, praying about things in our lives is not going to enlighten him of a situation he didn't already know about.

If Yahweh cannot act in ways that are not in accord with his will or his alleged perfect plan, then it seems reasonable to assume that he will do whatever it is that he is going to do. How can our prayers sway his actions? Either the thing we are requesting is part of his plan or not. If it's not part of his plan, it seems like he's not going to act on your request. If it is part of his plan, it doesn't seem reasonable that he would not act just because someone neglected to pray about it.

Add to these issues the fact that there is no evidence (none that I have seen or heard of) that Yahweh ever answers yes to prayers that couldn't be explained using natural forces and phenomena, and prayer doesn't seem to make any sense at all.
