Yahweh's Failed Solution

The tension between the alleged will of Yahweh and what the Bible says will actually happen is a factor in a number of theological questions. 2 Peter 3:9 says that Yahweh doesn't want anyone to perish [to be sent to hell]. Well, what did he do about it? Supposedly he sent his son (himself) to die so that all people could be saved from the punishment he devised...? But Matthew 7:13-4 says that few people will escape hell and pass through the narrow gates. If he wants no people to perish, but the majority will still go to hell, was his plan effective?

The problem of hell that Yahweh supposedly tried to solve by having his son executed (..again, why is that even a possible solution? What does that accomplish?) is also one that he created himself. If you don't want people to be sent to a torture chamber, don't send them there. Better still, don't create a torture chamber.


  1. Until the Cross, a lamb without blemish had to be sacrificed for sin. But, Christ became the perfect lamb sacrificed once for all time for sin with no more need to sacrifice a lamb without blemish.

    Also, 2 Peter 3:9 you've not interpreted properly.

    As much as you seem to have GOD's Word and quote it, there is no way you're not a Christian.

    1. Anonymous, how does killing a lamb make sin ok? Please explain.

      BTW, I'm not a Christian. I used to be a believer. Please refer to the "about Gavagai" section. I was a believer for 30 years but came to disbelieve because I started to read the Bible with the same kind of skepticism that I read other religious texts.

  2. God required the shedding of blood as the means of covering sin.
    Since you seem to know the Bible so well, you should know that a blood covering brings forgiveness and deliverance and is required by God. Jesus serves as the ultimate sacrifice if a perfect Lamb, without spots or stain (without sin).
    You're fooling yourself by saying you don't believe and blog only about God and the Bible.

    1. Unknown, do you require people who have offended you to kill something before you forgive them?

    2. Also, with regard to the chosen focal point for my blog, there are two reasons that I predominantly write about Christianity. First, that is the religion that I'm most familiar with and, as such, I have the most to say about it. Second, it is the religion that I encounter most because I live in a predominantly Christian culture. If you want to advance some other religion and tell me why you believe that religion, we can certainly have that discussion. But the fact that I blog about a religion and (as I see it) a superstition that is pervasive in the culture where I live is no more indicative that I believe in that superstition than the fact that you have returned to my blog a number of times and left comments indicates that you are actually an atheist.


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