The "Good News" is not Good News

I was taught, and at one time fully accepted, the idea that Jesus being killed on a cross so my sins could be forgiven was great news; the best news ever. Bracketing the question of whether any of that is actually true for the moment, the idea that it was necessary for some guy to be brutally murdered because of whatever I have done that a god or THE God finds objectionable, is not good news. It's horrible. Who made the rule that required a blood sacrifice for "sin"?! When someone offends me, I don't require anyone or anything to be sacrificed, and it doesn't seem like changing that facet of my character would be a moral improvement.

Also, what is it that we're being saved from? As I have pointed out before, the idea of an eternal hell, even for terrible crimes is a morally reprehensible idea. If your god created everything, that means he created that hell and also the rules that say you have to go there if you don't believe the thing he expects you to believe. Calling this good news would be like being happy that a stranger on the street threatened you with torture and then tells you that he has also provided a way out of his torture. Just believe that he had someone else tortured in your place.  ...oh, and by the way, if you don't believe, this crazy person is still going to torture you.
Good news! I tortured someone else instead of you. Aren't you grateful?

If you believe the crazy person's story about torturing the other guy, then you can spend the rest of your life serving and worshiping the torture guy. Good news, right? Hooray!

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. Uh, anyone can claim to be a Christian.
    Truth is this; a person can either be a Follower of Christ or not.
    Christian means the person acts or performs in a Christ-Like manner, which means zero about beliefs.
    Also, the use of the term is slur toward Followers of Christ. So, you once were a Christian/good person; does that mean that now you are an evil hazard to our society? Not accepting absolute truth would cause that to e true.

    1. Hi there Unknown. You haven't addressed a single point that I have raised in this post. If you would like to address the issue of whether or not I was ever a believer or Christian or whatever, that's fine, but it isn't the subject of this post. Would you like to have a conversation about the authenticity of my claims to previous belief?

  2. Well, you have said nothing worth commenting to in the post.
    Many who were forced into Pentecostalism have come to your conclusion.
    You may have displayed yourself as a good person, but being a Christian is a cliché.
    From what I have read on your site, you have never truly Believed in God or his Word.
    If God had chosen you as a part of the Elect, you would not have come to your conclusion.
    You claim to have committed apostasy.
    That cannot occur with the Elect, but it can with someone that either has been forced into Pentecostalism, or made a "decision" based on what friends had done, or accepted the gospel but not ever been regenerated (saved).
    You were never of the Elect.
    If you displayed the actions of a "Christian", then you can say you were a "Christian". But, not a Christ Follower, which is a person of the Elect.
    So, there isn't a need to argue with you since you have never been a part of the Elect, because God has not destined you for that.
    Therefore, you don't really have a "beef" with Christ Followers or with The Bible or with God.
    There is nothing for you to argue and nothing for you to try and tell anyone that they are wrong.
    All that you are is just a person not destined by God to be of the Elect.
    Therefore, you have nothing to argue or laugh at or discredit.
    Sorry dude, but you're wasting your efforts.

    1. Unknown, have you ever had a doubt about your religious beliefs?

  3. No. One who doubts his religious convictions is an unstable man who can be easily persuaded by others.

    1. Unknown, Should people who believe in other gods doubt their beliefs, or should they reject any question that might cause them to doubt or question?

  4. Well, Gavagai, if someone worships a god, which the small "g" means that it is placed ahead of Jehovah, that is because, like you, they are blinded and not a part of the Elect.

    By you question, it is easy to see that you truly do not understand The Bible and never have. Until God calls you to Regeneration, you will continue being confused and will never "have a leg to stand on" in tearing down/mocking Jehovah as you are in fact doing.

    You will never be convinced of the truth. Why? You have not been chosen by God to be of The Elect. You'll never understand the Scriptures without a personal relationship with Jesus the Christ. Your "questions" prove that you were never a true believer and by the world's standard you were never a Christian as you claim. Claiming to have been a Christian as you are doing is a lie. You are a hypocrite and a liar by claiming to have been a Christian when all you that you probably did was attend a church because your parent forced you to do so. Hypocrite! Liar!!! You have never committed apostasy, so stop claiming to have been a Christian and now you are not. That is a LIE! You are a LIAR!!!

    If you had truly been a Christian as you claim, you would have experienced Salvation, and the Scriptures teach that we can not ever lose our Salvation. If we could lose our Salvation, Christ would have to be continuously dying on the Cross as the ultimate sacrifice for sins, and that isn't happening.

    You are believing a LIE, a Fairy Tale, and being a hypocrite by claiming to have been what you never were!

    YOU ARE A LIAR!!!!

    1. I decided to reply in a separate blog post. Here is a link.


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