Someone read my recent post "The "Good News" is not Good News" and decided to comment. You can follow that link to see the exchange. I have run into the type of response this individual renders in the past. His response completely ignores the content and criticisms I leveled in the article and instead, he attacks me. This kind of argumentation is known as "ad hominem" and it is a recognized informal fallacy. In spite of that fact, I have encountered this enough times that I think it is worthwhile to post the exchange here and my final reply to the assertion that I was never a Christian.

I will provide the initial interaction to give background and context and then I will provide a final response to this commenter's argument.

Unknown: Uh, anyone can claim to be a Christian.
Truth is this; a person can either be a Follower of Christ or not.
Christian means the person acts or performs in a Christ-Like manner, which means zero about beliefs. 
Also, the use of the term is slur toward Followers of Christ. So, you once were a Christian/good person; does that mean that now you are an evil hazard to our society? Not accepting absolute truth would cause that to e true.

Gavagai: Hi there Unknown. You haven't addressed a single point that I have raised in this post. If you would like to address the issue of whether or not I was ever a believer or Christian or whatever, that's fine, but it isn't the subject of this post. Would you like to have a conversation about the authenticity of my claims to previous belief?

Unknown: Well, you have said nothing worth commenting to in the post.
Many who were forced into Pentecostalism have come to your conclusion.
You may have displayed yourself as a good person, but being a Christian is a cliché. 
From what I have read on your site, you have never truly Believed in God or his Word.
If God had chosen you as a part of the Elect, you would not have come to your conclusion.
You claim to have committed apostasy. 
That cannot occur with the Elect, but it can with someone that either has been forced into Pentecostalism, or made a "decision" based on what friends had done, or accepted the gospel but not ever been regenerated (saved).
You were never of the Elect.
If you displayed the actions of a "Christian", then you can say you were a "Christian". But, not a Christ Follower, which is a person of the Elect.
So, there isn't a need to argue with you since you have never been a part of the Elect, because God has not destined you for that.
Therefore, you don't really have a "beef" with Christ Followers or with The Bible or with God.
There is nothing for you to argue and nothing for you to try and tell anyone that they are wrong.
All that you are is just a person not destined by God to be of the Elect.
Therefore, you have nothing to argue or laugh at or discredit.
Sorry dude, but you're wasting your efforts.

Gavagai: Unknown, have you ever had a doubt about your religious beliefs?

Unknown: No. One who doubts his religious convictions is an unstable man who can be easily persuaded by others.

Gavagai: Unknown, Should people who believe in other gods doubt their beliefs, or should they reject any question that might cause them to doubt or question?

Unknown: Well, Gavagai, if someone worships a god, which the small "g" means that it is placed ahead of Jehovah, that is because, like you, they are blinded and not a part of the Elect. 

By you question, it is easy to see that you truly do not understand The Bible and never have. Until God calls you to Regeneration, you will continue being confused and will never "have a leg to stand on" in tearing down/mocking Jehovah as you are in fact doing. 

You will never be convinced of the truth. Why? You have not been chosen by God to be of The Elect. You'll never understand the Scriptures without a personal relationship with Jesus the Christ. Your "questions" prove that you were never a true believer and by the world's standard you were never a Christian as you claim. Claiming to have been a Christian as you are doing is a lie. You are a hypocrite and a liar by claiming to have been a Christian when all you that you probably did was attend a church because your parent forced you to do so. Hypocrite! Liar!!! You have never committed apostasy, so stop claiming to have been a Christian and now you are not. That is a LIE! You are a LIAR!!! 

If you had truly been a Christian as you claim, you would have experienced Salvation, and the Scriptures teach that we can not ever lose our Salvation. If we could lose our Salvation, Christ would have to be continuously dying on the Cross as the ultimate sacrifice for sins, and that isn't happening.

You are believing a LIE, a Fairy Tale, and being a hypocrite by claiming to have been what you never were!


My Reply Beyond the Comment Section

Unknown, the "other people's god(s)" are always small "g" gods to everyone else who doesn't acknowledge those gods and goddesses as legitimate real entities. Your god, Yahweh, is no different than any of the other gods and goddesses that have been claimed throughout human history to me in that I don't think any of them are real. Your disposition toward gods like Thor or Aphrodite or Ahuramazda is the same as mine. The difference between you and me is that I now perceive Yahweh in the same light as those other gods.

You are running away from the issues I am raising and you would rather challenge the question of whether or not I used to be a genuine believer. You have no idea who I am or who I used to be. I'm perfectly comfortable and I know my history. I grew up in the church. Christianity was all I knew. The idea of not believing that the Christian god was real seemed preposterous to me 20 years ago. I did have some doubts and questions, but I trusted that the things I had been taught my whole life were Truth, with a capital T. My questions and doubts grew. The answers I got from pastors and my fellow believers were less satisfying all the time. Little by little, things I believed eroded: the Christian god is necessary to explain the existence of the universe, no; the Bible is inerrant, no; miracles, no; infallibility of the Bible, no; the Christian god (as described in the Bible) is good/just, no; there is evidence for the miraculous events described in the New Testament, no; the Bible/Christian god is needed for moral realism, no.

Again, I walked this path. I doubt there is anything I can say that would convince you that I was once a believer. For what it is worth, I chose to be baptized when I was 12 or 13, I played my saxophone in the church worship band in the youth group and in the orchestra for the adult services. I chose to stop playing in the jazz band in school because it conflicted with youth group on Wednesday nights. My "relationship with Jesus" was the priority. I went on a mission trip to Russia my senior year in high school where we gave testimony and handed out Bibles and literature in the schools. I chose to go to a Christian college when I graduated because I wanted to be in an atmosphere where I was among fellow believers and to avoid temptations of a secular campus. When I married my wife, I committed to pay tithes to our church in spite of the fact that we were barely scraping by. We raised my sons to believe. We took them to church. I celebrated when they chose to be baptized. Here is a photo I posted on my Facebook page the day my sons were baptized.

I addition to that, I have Bibles that are filled with notes and highlights, and notebooks filled with prayers and my efforts to square the theology I believed to be true with the world I experienced that didn't always align. I wrote in those notebooks and in emails to my family about the grief I experienced when I discovered that my younger brother disclosed his disbelief to the family.

However, I doubt that any of those facts are likely to persuade you that I genuinely believed most if not all of the same things you believe about the Bible and the god of the Bible. The problem for me came when I began to genuinely care about whether those beliefs were true, and when I began to wonder about how I could tell if they were not true. My doubts grew and multiplied until one day I realized that I no longer believed. It was a similar experience I have had with other beliefs I once thought to be true. When I was little, I believed that Santa Clause was real. I began to wonder and doubt, and eventually, those doubts lead to disbelief. I held onto my religious beliefs for a lot longer because I had strong beliefs about those religious beliefs related to the consequences of doubt and disbelief.

That is part of what makes religious beliefs so difficult to question. We are taught that doubting our religious beliefs is a moral failure and/or dangerous to our well-being. But being told that doubt is dangerous or that you are somehow guilty if you don't believe something doesn't make the claim more true. Someone who is raised to be a Buddhist might worry that if they don't believe the teachings of the Buddha, that he might be trapped in an endless cycle of death and reincarnation and never attain nirvana. Does his fear of samsara and desire to attain nirvana make those things true?

To turn the subject back to the question I posed to you about people who believe in the other gods and goddesses, if those people adopt your same mindset, refusing to ever entertain a single doubt or allow themselves to question what they believe, how will they ever discover that the things they believe about their gods are not true? If the things you believe are not true, how could you figure it out?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Well, I wasn't convinced before, but now that you have used all caps and so many exclamation points, how could I not be persuaded? Thanks Unknown. You've set me straight.

    2. Unknown commenter, if I was not a believer, why do you suppose I did the things I did? Why would I go out of my way to pay tithes, take time out of my day to pray, to witness to classmates, teachers, coworkers, and strangers? Why did I teach my children about the Bible and take them to church? Why would I have notebooks filled with thoughts and prayers about my faith in Christianity? If I wasn't a believer, what do you think was going on?

    3. That’s doesn’t prove a thing.
      Works doesn’t save, and that’s more proof that you must’ve been raised to be a Pentecostal. Don’t know what brand, but Pentecostalism is a False Gospel and pretty much a Cult movement.
      I’ve been reading and Unknown, you’re right on the button. Gavagai is a LIAR and a HYPOCRITE and ain’t ever been one of us.


    4. I know the theology Anonymous. I wasn't saying that I was saved because I did things. I was presenting evidence that I believed. Can you present better evidence that you believe or that you are saved? Please offer some evidence that you are saved.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Unknown, is it reasonable to believe a claim until it is proven to be false?

  2. Gavagai is just mad at God because he didn't get a pony on his 10th birthday.

  3. You’re so confused. You had to been raised in a Pentecostal home. Pentecostals preach a False Gospel and are confused themselves. No wonder you doubted! If I had been raised Pentecostal I’d doubt as well. You were not taught the Word correctly in the Pentecostal setting. Hopefully one day someone will be allowed by you to teach you the Scriptures correctly.

    1. Caring Friend, I was indeed raised in a Pentecostal home. I'm interested in what is true, so if you can set me straight, I'm all ears.

    2. Since I do not personally know you, and it seems as if you are set in stone, I am not the one to correct you. I can only pray for you and hope that you have some friends where you live that you will allow to show you the truth.

    3. CF, I'm not set in stone. I am convinced that the god of Christianity, like other god claims, are not valid. However, I am open to evidence and reasons. I am more than happy to receive any information that you may have. I am even willing to exchange emails. Drop me a line.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I offered criticism of the gospel message on the first post where you commented. You ignored those criticisms and instead attacked my claims of being a believer. When I offered evidence that I used to believe, you switch back to arguing about whether I have evidence or arguments about the validity of the Bible. I would send you back to the other post and ask you to respond to the criticisms I offered there, but I suspect that if you returned to that post, you would not engage with those arguments. Here is a list of posts in which I have offered criticism of the Bible and claims made in the Bible. You can choose which, if any, you want to address.

      I will monitor the comments and await your rebuttal to any of the criticisms I have offered in those posts, Unknown.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You are the only one who is dodging and dipping to avoid the issues. Every time you have asked for something, I have responded with evidence and substance. You seem to think that yelling at me in text with all caps amounts to reasoned argumentation and evidence. Go back to making tacos or whatever you're doing now John.

    2. Unknown, I thought you were a person I know named John. John has responded below and said you are not the same person even though he affirmed
      1. that he has been watching the conversation
      2. he agrees with everything you have said
      3. he is mysteriously getting email notifications when I comment in response to your messages.

      I would also note that someone using the moniker "Unknown" first appeared in the comments section of my blog back when John and I were having conversations about religion. And lastly, Unknown and John use almost the exact same kinds of arguments, fallacious reasoning, non-sequiturs, and even the same syntax and grammar mistakes. It's quite remarkable.

      It seems like you guys have so much in common, it would be a shame for you not to meet each other. I propose that we set up a skype meeting or Google hangout video call where you can both participate at the same time. Please let me know a time that works for you and I will facilitate the meeting.

  6. David,

    You have now called me out.

    I’ve been watching the exchange and I agree with things asked of you. People are in the right to ask for evidence. Since I have known you, you have never been able to produce anything but personal opinion. I can understand you believing that others are doing the same, and rightly so.

    As for the tacos, every taco I sell allows me and the crew to purchase a meal for the children that we help to feed in Latin America or Swaziland. I’m proud of where I am now and of the team I serve with. It is a privilege to be on that team.

    I am sorry that you think as you do and I have been praying for you for a long time. I’m not going to give up on you either. But, I do applaud you for standing up for your personal convictions, even if I do not agree.

    Unknown, you must know me or have hacked my email, because I have received notifications for comments made. Shame on you.

    David, I am sorry that happened. Hopefully I will discover who the person is hacking my email. I have changed my password, so I’ve not seen any notifications for a couple of days. I just decided to see what else was being said.

    Like I said, hopefully I will discover who the hacker may be. If not, maybe that will stop. It wrong to hack an account, but it’s teally bad when it is done and harassment goes on and makes it look like someone else, that is the person who got hacked.

    Later Buddy.


    1. John, you seem to be suggesting that the comments left here under the name "Unknown" were not written by you. Are you saying you did not write those comments?

    2. Hey John,
      I commented above under one of Unknown's comments, but I wanted to make sure you see the message too. Since you guys are both devoted Christians, I'm confident that you were able to work out things with him related to hacking your email just to comment on my blog. That seems like an odd thing for a person to do, but hacking emails is not ethical and I'm sure, Unknown being a good Christian, that he repented of that wrong and asked your forgiveness.

      All that aside, I thought it would be great for the two of you to meet in a live video hangout! You yourself said that you agree with the points he (or she, I don't want to assume) made here. Let me know what time works for you and I can facilitate a skype call or Google hangout video call. Maybe between the two of you, you can set me straight.

    3. Hey David,

      Found out who it was and they have apologized.
      The goal was to upset me. However, when one can easily forgive, you can move on.
      This person does know me and knows how I say things and knows about your blog.
      This person "Unknown" will not be commenting any longer in a hidden manner.
      Their plan did not work and I will deal with the person myself.

      What I agree with them is this; our rearing can influence our doubts.

      No, I do not agree with your personal opinion, but I know you well enough to know that you are a very kind hearted person. I totally respect you for standing up for what you believe to be right. You have the privilege and no one should attempt to discourage you.

      Look, I respect you for all that, but I do agree with you concerning concrete evidence. You want that from Christians as Christians want that from your viewpoint. When it comes down to that, it is called personal conviction and we must respect one another to allow for personal conviction.

      David, I still pray for you and a lot of people know that I pray for you. But, I am not going to force my convictions onto you. All that I can do is what I believe to do and that is to pray.


    4. John I'm just so curious as to who Unknown and "A Caring Friend" could be. I think I'm going to contact Google to have them trace the IP addresses to see if these people are hacking your computer too. This whole thing is just disturbing. Hacking is a crime. Those people need to be stopped. If need be, we can bring in the FBI.

  7. Gavagai - So is it Friday night or Saturday night we eat babies and worship satan? I always forget....

    In all seriousness.... it seems to me that the christians posting here on the blog are confused on a couple of things.

    1. I am not entirely sure they know what an atheist is. Especially if they are trying to ask Gavagai for evidence. This clearly shows that they do not understand what the "Burden of Proof" is or how one determines it.

    2. They seem more content in simply asserting you were never a never a true christian (Pentecostal) than actually hearing him out. This is a "No True Scottsman Fallacy".

    3. This person "Unknown" and all the other christians on this blog are asserting a bunch of stuff without supporting their position. Just asserting that what you believe is true does NOT make it true. All Gavagai was asking for was for you guys to give support for you position. (probably through argumentation and evidence).

    In short, if you really want to reach Gavagai, have a little civility. It is not constructive or helpful to simply say.. "Well you did it wrong". I am sure that there are Penecostals that believed they are right and you guys are wrong.

    If you would like to discuss further, I would be happy to converse more.


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